12 research outputs found

    Improved Intrusion Detection System using Quantal Response Equilibrium-based Game Model and Rule-based Classification

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    Wireless sensor network has large number of low-cost tiny nodes with sensing capability.  These provide low cost solutions to many real world problems such as such as defence, Internet of things, healthcare, environment monitoring and so on. The sensor nodes of these networks are placed in vulnerable environment. Hence, the security of these networks is very important. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays an important role in providing a security to such type of networks. The sensor nodes of the network have limited power and, traditional security mechanisms such as key-management, encryption decryption and authentication techniques cannot be installed on the nodes. Hence, there is a need of special security mechanism to handle the intrusions. In this paper, intrusion detection system is designed and implemented using game theory and machine learning to identify multiple attacks. Game theory is designed and used to apply the IDS optimally in WSN. The game model is designed by defining the players and the corresponding strategies. Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE) concept of game theory is used to select the strategies in optimal way for the intrusion’s detection. Further, these intrusions are classified as denial of service attack, rank attack or selective forwarding attacks using supervised machine learning technique based on different parameters and rules. Results show that all the attacks are detected with good detection rate and the proposed approach provides optimal usage of IDS

    Multiple intrusion detection in RPL based networks

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    Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks based networks consists of large number of tiny sensor nodes with limited resources. These nodes are directly connected to the Internet through the border router. Hence these nodes are susceptible to different types of attacks. The possible attacks are rank attack, selective forwarding, worm hole and Denial of service attack. These attacks can be effectively identified by intrusion detection system model. The paper focuses on identification of multiple intrusions by considering the network size as 10, 40 and 100 nodes and adding 10%, 20% and 30% of malicious nodes to the considered network. Experiments are simulated using Cooja simulator on Contiki operating system. Behavior of the network is observed based on the percentage of inconsistency achieved, energy consumption, accuracy and false positive rate. Experimental results show that multiple intrusions can be detected effectively by machine learning techniques

    A decentralized consensus application using blockchain ecosystem

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    The consensus is a critical operation of any decision-making process. It involves a set of eligible members; whose decision need to be honored by taking their acknowledgment before making any decision. The traditional consensus process follows centralized architecture, the members need to rely on and trust this architecture. The proposed system aims to develop a secure decentralized consensus application in the untrusted environment by making use of blockchain technology along with smart contract and interplanetary file system (IPFS)

    Policy resolution of shared data in online social networks

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    Online social networks have practically a go-to source for information divulging, social exchanges and finding new friends. The popularity of such sites is so profound that they are widely used by people belonging to different age groups and various regions. Widespread use of such sites has given rise to privacy and security issues. This paper proposes a set of rules to be incorporated to safeguard the privacy policies of related users while sharing information and other forms of media online. The proposed access control network takes into account the content sensitivity and confidence level of the accessor to resolve the conflicting privacy policies of the co-owners

    Predicting depression using deep learning and ensemble algorithms on raw twitter data

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    Social network and microblogging sites such as Twitter are widespread amongst all generations nowadays where people connect and share their feelings, emotions, pursuits etc. Depression, one of the most common mental disorder, is an acute state of sadness where person loses interest in all activities. If not treated immediately this can result in dire consequences such as death. In this era of virtual world, people are more comfortable in expressing their emotions in such sites as they have become a part and parcel of everyday lives. The research put forth thus, employs machine learning classifiers on the twitter data set to detect if a person’s tweet indicates any sign of depression or not

    Collusion-resistant multiparty data sharing in social networks

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    The number of users on online social networks (OSNs) has grown tremendously over the past few years, with sites like Facebook amassing over a billion users. With the popularity of OSNs, the increase in privacy risk from the large volume of sensitive and private data is inevitable. While there are many features for access control for an individual user, most OSNs still need concrete mechanisms to preserve the privacy of data shared between multiple users. The proposed method uses metrics such as identity leakage (IL) and strength of interaction (SoI) to fine-tune the scenarios that use privacy risk and sharing loss to identify and resolve conflicts. In addition to conflict resolution, bot detection is also done to mitigate collusion attacks. The final decision to share the data item is then ascertained based on whether it passes the threshold condition for the above metrics